Building Block 9 - Turn Failure From a Stumbling Block to a Stepping Stone

In the previous building block, we learned how to create a support system and train our minds to continue to accelerate the journey to our dreams.  In this post, we will discuss Building Block 9 in the Building Phase, which is how we can learn to use our failures as a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block. 

During our dream building process it is inevitable that we will experience some type of failure.  Unfortunately there really is no way around this.  However, we can control how we react and approach the situation we consider to be a failure. 

There are four ways to approach failure that will help us turn it from a stumbling block into a stepping stone:

  1. Recognize Failure as Feedback –Think of failure as just feedback telling you that there is a better way.  Failure is a gift – learn from it and move on.
  2. Keep Swinging – Failure is an indication that we are actively in the game, so don’t let it stop you, keep going! 
  3. Respond, Don’t ReactReacting comes from our emotions and can cause us to give up from a place of fear or disappointment.  If we respond, we are using our minds and that typically comes from a place of calmness and mindfulness.
  4. Abandon or Endure – Discern if you have gone down the wrong path and need to turn around or if you should continue on the same path and persevere.  Move beyond the pros and cons and listen to your intuition, keeping your eye on the vision you want for your life.  It's never too late to change your path. 

For many of us, it is difficult to change our perception of failure from being a weakness or hardship, to really believing that it is a true blessing.  We must believe that failure is just the universe telling us that there is something better suited for us out there.  We need to allow ourselves to make mistakes and fail.  If we don’t, we will never realize our limits and what we are truly capable of.

Winning comes in many different forms.  Sometimes winning comes in learning how to accept defeat without being defeated.  Mary Morrissey

Take a failure that you’ve had and write all the lessons you have learned from it that you can use to inspire and instruct others.  This exercise will help you understand how failure has already been acting like feedback in your life.

In the next Phase, which contains the final Building Block of Manifestation, we will discuss harvesting your dream.

Take Care & Take Charge - In Your Life and Business!

In success,

-- Robert.

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