The Perfect Time to Reframe, Renew, and Revitalize


Easter is a significant spiritual holiday for many people around the world. But it is also about celebrating the renewal and the birth of Springtime along with the emergence of new goals and dreams.

The symbolism of resurrection as it relates to Spring is one most people can appreciate. In all cultural traditions the world over, this is a time of re-birth and new beginnings. Ultimately Spring is all about opportunity – a time for courage and optimism, of renewing the belief in ourselves and our powers to achieve and overcome obstacles – the greatest of which is perhaps our own fear, which prevents us from taking risks and stepping into the unknown.

During this time of year, we celebrate new growth and marvel as the cycle of life starts once again. We feel a renewed energy, and become more open to inviting changes – both big and small – into our lives. Everything feels fresh and new – and it’s hard not to be overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings in our lives.

I believe – and I know you do, too – in the power of gratitude to effect change throughout the world. As the days grow longer and warmer, let us choose to capture that sense of gratitude, freshness and renewal in order it can be remembered, savored and built upon on throughout the year.

I encourage you to put your gratitude into action by sharing this Easter thought along with your personal message of gratitude to your friends, family or clients.

Know that you are right at the top of my gratitude list!

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Take Care & Take Charge - In Your Life and Business!

In success,

-- Robert.


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