6 Steps To Coaching Business Success


We’ve all heard about the failure rate of small business in the United States.  Usually something like 8 of 10 small business will fail in the first year. 

Well, I have learned that this is blown way out of proportion.

The reality is that the failure rate is closer to 35% within 2 years and goes up to nearly 50% after 4 years.  Still, if 1 out of every 2 Coaches will fail within 4 years, that is...

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Uploading Your Content - Feature or Trap?


There are many online technology tools, also know as SAAS (Software As A Service) products, on the market that are useful and downright necessary to build a successful Coaching business. 

But even the most necessary and powerful tools may not have your best interests in mind.

Sure, they offer great services and products, ranging from business websites; to CRM’s... 

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Benefits of Blogging for Business


For many business owners, once their website is launched for the world to see, they feel they are done with their online presence.

This is far from the truth and can be hurting their business growth.  It is important, for many reasons, to continuously update your website and provide...

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Why an Email List is Essential


You have more than likely heard the advice to begin building an email list when you first started your coaching business. 

Many people disregard this advice in the beginning, mostly because they just don't know how to get started or simply have a fear of using new technology. 

Either way, they end up kicking themselves for it later.

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Creating A Personal Mission Statement


Gaining a clear understanding of your life’s purpose is an amazing process, but if you don’t have a defined mission, that purpose isn’t being put into action. 

You must define a clear mission statement for yourself that describes your purpose.

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Discovering Your Life's Purpose


From a very early age we are asked what we want to be when we grow up.  As children, we usually have a quick answer to this (although it may change quite often).

We are able to contemplate it for years and years, but when we become adults we have no idea what we are really meant to do.

Many of us go off to college and pursue things that we are most interested in, only to find that...

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Building Block 10 - Harvest Your Dream


Congratulations, you have completed the Blueprinting, Bridging and Building phases of the Dream Building process! 

Building Block 10 is the only step in the final phase of the process, we call this phase - Becoming.  As you progress...

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Building Block 9 - Turn Failure From a Stumbling Block to a Stepping Stone


In the previous building block, we learned how to create a support system and train our minds to continue to accelerate the journey to our dreams.  In this post, we will discuss Building Block 9 in the Building Phase, which is how we can learn to use our failures as a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block. 

During our dream building process it is inevitable that we will experience some type of failure.  Unfortunately there really is no way around this.  However, we can...

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Building Block 8 - Create a Support System


In Building Block 8, which is the second step in the Building phase of the Building Blocks of Manifestation, we learn how to create a support system and also how to train our minds to continue to accelerate towards our dreams. 

While we each have to take the first step to change our lives, we don’t have to do it alone.  As humans, we can't and shouldn't go it alone.  When we make big changes, we need to be sure we have a strong support system in place to help us along.  We should surround ourselves with like-minded people to help stabilize and encourage us to continue to move towards the life we want to live.

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, studied 500 of the wealthiest people and found that they...

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Building Block 7 - Listen to the Still, Small Voice


You have come a long way in the Dream Building process since Building Block 1!  Looking back at a high level, you have designed your dream, you tested it and carefully planted it in newly tilled soil.  Now you are ready for the miracle to grow and flourish.   

To keep accelerating toward your dreams, continue the following practices every single day:    

  • Stay in gratitude - List what you are grateful for
  • Take an action every day that will move you closer to your dream
  • Read your vision often and feel what that life is like

We are now entering the Building Phase of the Building Blocks of Manifestation.  This phase begins with Building Block 7, which is discovering the Still, Small Voice that is within each one of us.  We have all heard about the Still, Small Voice, just referred to as our...

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